How do I reduce eye strain when using a plasma monitor?

In our digital age, the prevalence of screen usage has escalated dramatically, causing a significant increase in eye strain and discomfort. Plasma monitors, while offering superior display qualities, are no exception. If you’re experiencing eye discomfort, it is crucial to take proactive steps to mitigate the strain. Here, we provide comprehensive methods to reduce eye strain when using a plasma monitor.

Understanding Eye Strain

Eye strain, also known as asthenopia, is a condition characterized by discomfort and fatigue in the eyes, which often develops after extended periods of screen use. The symptoms can include:

  • Dry or watery eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Difficulty focusing

Causes Specific to Plasma Monitors

While using a plasma monitor, several factors can contribute to eye strain including:

  • High contrast and brightness levels
  • Screen glare
  • Low refresh rates
  • Extended screen time without breaks

Practical Tips to Reduce Eye Strain

Adjust Your Monitor Settings

One of the first steps to reduce eye strain involves adjusting the settings of your plasma monitor to suit your comfort.

Adjustment Recommendation
Brightness Match screen brightness to surrounding environment
Contrast Set to high, but not maximum
Color temperature Use cool color temperature settings
Refresh rate Ensure it’s set to 60Hz or higher

Optimize Your Workspace

  • Screen Position: Ensure your monitor is at eye level and about 20-30 inches away.
  • Lighting: Use ambient lighting that reduces glare, avoiding direct light on the screen.
  • Ergonomics: Sit in a comfortable chair that provides good back support.

Use the 20-20-20 Rule

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This simple exercise can significantly reduce eye strain.

Blink More Often

Consciously remind yourself to blink more often to keep your eyes moist and reduce dryness.

Consider Specialized Eyewear

Investing in anti-reflective or blue light blocking glasses can help reduce the impact of screen time on your eyes.

Regular Eye Exercises

Performing eye exercises can help in maintaining your eye health and reducing eye strain. Some beneficial exercises include:

  • Focusing on distant objects
  • Eye rolling
  • Palming (covering eyes with warm palms)

Maintain Eye Health

Ensure a healthy diet rich in Vitamin A, C, and E along with zinc and antioxidants which are beneficial for eye health. Regular eye check-ups are also recommended.

Screen Breaks

Regular breaks from screen time are essential. Short, frequent breaks are better than longer, less frequent ones.


Reducing eye strain when using a plasma monitor involves a combination of monitor settings adjustments, workspace optimization, and personal habits. By adopting these techniques, you can safeguard your visual health while enjoying the high-quality display of your plasma monitor. Prioritize your eye health by incorporating these strategies, ensuring a comfortable and productive screen experience.